Check out Do Division Street Festival today 12-10pm.
Family Fun Fest
For the first time ever, Do-Division will have a dedicated family area! The Family Fun Fest activities include: Non-stop family stage entertainment presented by Adventure Stage Chicago with performances by artists such as Little Miss Ann Band, Hogwash IO, The Schnozberries, and others. There will be a bounce house and face painting, crafts and cookie decorating, petting zoo, pony rides and lots MORE! All proceeds from Family Fun Fest activities to support A.N. Pritzker School and LaSalle II Magnet School, neighborhood public elementary schools.

Today, we'll also be attending a free Super Heroics: Super Heros Needed writing workshop at 826Chi, culminating in a performance. 826CHI is located behind, and funded by, The Boring Store, a super secret spy shop, at the symmetrical address of 1331 N. Milwaukee. Workshops are for children in 1st grade through high school.
These fantastic, creative themed classes fill fast and are well worth signing up for. This summer we'll be doing writing workshops on themes like , Farmers Markets Harvest Hounds, Time Capsule Creations, Music and Lyrics, Student Book Club: The Twits, Dig It! and An Archaeological Adventure. Raise good readers, starting today.
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