Lori M. and her kids Cordia and Cayetano are our winners this week. They've won CDs by BOTH Little Miss Ann and Super Stolie. ChiIL Mama's giving away double discs all month on Win A Disc Wednesday. We're sure you'll enjoy Music for Tots & When I Grow Up. We'll have reviews of both CDs up before the weekend shows.
Catch both artists LIVE this weekend at Beat Kitchen this Saturday and Sunday. Click HERE for more info.
And remember, you can make it a 2-show weekend at The Beat Kitchen!
Come hear Little Miss Ann Band at noon on Saturday, February 19th, and you'll get a coupon to come back on Sunday, February 20th to see Super Stolie and the Rockstars for just $3!
Our next pair of CDs are from The Okee Dokee Brothers and Poochamungas, two more fun, rockin' kindie bands who both played Beat Kitchen last month. Enter to win through Tuesday 2/22 at midnight. We have live footage, stills, interviews and CD reviews, so check in between now and Wednesday like we vote in Chicago...early and often.
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