
Thursday, July 14, 2011

What's Green and Going Down North of Chi-Town All Week Long?

  • There are some pretty sweet, green happenings going on all week in Andersonville.  We bought $20 worth of amazing, fresh cheese and devoured 2 pints of local raspberries in the car on the way home from the farmer's market.

  • The Organic Tomato Mountain Bloody Mary Mix made it home, but it may not be long for this world either.    We've been waiting all winter for the farmers' markets to stock it again!    Mmmmmm.    We even shot free, goofy photo booth pixs in silly hats there, after snacking out on yummy samples.

  • We heard accordian and finger harp street musicians and had another funky encounter with one of our favorite Chicago street institutions, The Puppet Bike!    We also enjoyed spending time with our friend, "Winter Sage", as opposed to May Night Sage (AKA:   Sagezilla).   Winter Sage is entering the same grade, but has a winter birthday. We originally began calling her that because we tend to run into her every year at a bunch of winter events.

  • Check out the great green eco-friendly events going on all week in Andersonville by clicking HERE.

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