
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Win A Disc Wednesday-Winner Announced


Congrats to Peggy M., Chicago who won this week's adult give away.    We'll be sending her the latest releases by The Dwarves, a DVD/CD 2 disc set, The Dwarves are Born Again AND From Hell to Texas, the new CD by Nashville Pussy.    Enjoy!

Both bands are on tour together and just played a smokin' show at Bottom Lounge last Saturday.   If you haven't checked out ChiIL Mama's live show shots, click here for The Dwarves LIVE and Nashville Pussy LIVE.

Check back with ChiIL Mama like we vote in Chi, IL...early and often, for more great give aways for adults/teens+ and for kids.    We specialize in quality, alternative music for the way under agers that won't make you wanna rip your hair out.   If you've got punk kin under 10 at home or in your life, check out our alt-punk-classical-funk and kindie (kids' indie) give aways.

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