Hope you had a happy leap day! The kids had a blast yesterday, figuring out they'd both just be celebrating their 2nd actual birthdays if they were born Februrary 29th. Then they figured how old they'll be the next time they experience a 2/29--12 & 14 respectively.
Today March comes in like a lion...so we have the lion's share of awesome, family friendly theatre tickets for YOU!
*Enter at the bottom of this post for 4 tickets to Lost & Found at Actor's Gym, Taming of the Shrew at Chicago Shakespeare and The Giver at Adventure Stage.
What reviewers are saying about
Lost & Found: A Recycled Circus...
"The caliber of their circus arts is truly top notch. This colorful extravaganza combines all of our favorite elements...We were quite impressed with the cast..."- ChilL Live Shows
"...thrilled by the performances of the cast. The show features a tender and sweet storyline throughout with many moments of hilarity and humor. Lots of ideas are at work here, from an innovative reference to our tech-obsessed culture to an old fashioned boy gets girl tale." - Green Parent Chicago
"This sweet, small circus combines performances by professional artists, a spirited ensemble of semiprofessional teens, and a gang of precocious child actors. In less expert hands it could've ended up a cloying, chaotic mess. But somehow director Larry DiStasi and his team of talented collaborators have woven these disparate elements into an energetic, entertaining, totally satisfying gallimaufry. The props by Bruce Rogers and Mike Sullivan and the costumes by Elizabeth Wislar are delightful. The teen acrobats are dazzling. David Caitlin is at once hilarious and moving as a technology-distracted dad, while the other adult performers-led by Lindsey Noel Whiting, Will Howard, and Chris Mathews-give the show a heartfelt through line. And the kids (all children of Lookingglass Theatre ensemble members) are total scene-stealers."
- Chicago Reader
Playing Now through March 11
Get your tickets today!
Shows are selling out fast!
For tickets, click here, or call 1-800-838-3006
Our Taming of The Shrew and Midsummer Night's Dream reviews will be up very soon, along with great kids' versions in book form, to prep for the show.
Enter like we vote in Chi, IL...early
and often! Then spread the word, for more chances to win.
Here's what ChiIL Mama's got for you:
- Lost & Found at Actor's Gym-4 tickets for Friday, March 9th at 7:30pm
- Taming of The Shrew at Chicago Shakespeare Theater-4 tickets-winners' choice of show times/dates pending availability (3/17 on)
- The Giver at Adventure Stage-winners' choice of any Saturday night performance pending availability (That's April 7, 14 & 21 at 7:30pm.
*Wait for Rafflecopter to load up right here (if you've gone through RSS feed or are scrolling down the blog and don't see it, click on the actual page title and it should pop right up). Entries are easy. Winning rocks! Please include your whole name as you would like it to appear on the guest list/box office tickets, so there's no delay in reserving if you win.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I wish you would make it easier to enter just by posting a comment. Rafflecopter is a pain... just sayin
ReplyDeleteI hear ya....but we want to keep people's contact info private, yet still have names and e-mails to get people on the guest lists/box office tickets, and notify our winners. Once you put your info in Rafflecopter 1 time it saves it for all the entries, so it should be easy. Everything stays confidential and we never share, sell or use your info for anything but prize distribution.