Social Good Moms Advocate for
Disaster Safety.
Ever wonder where you would meet your family and friends after a city wide emergency? What if cell service was down and landmarks were obliterated?! As a mom of two, raising urban kids in the city of Chicago, the thought has often crossed my mind. That's why we jumped at the chance to spread the word about a NEW Get Safe campaign by Save the Children, where families are encouraged to file an emergency contact card.
*All child information above has been altered for child safety purposes.*
Did you know that Katrina led to 5,000 reported missing children and it took seven months to connect the last child with her parents?! Can you even comprehend waiting and wondering and being separated from you children for that long?

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, and Save the Children wants parents and their children to be better prepared if disaster strikes. It's not enough to hope natural disasters or a man made crisis never hit your home town. Be prepared, for kids' sake!
Disclosure: We have not been compensated for this campaign, but ChiIL Mama is happy to partner up with Save the Children to share this vital information with our readers. We're proud members of Mom Bloggers for Social Good.
Get Ready. Get Safe just launched with this amazing video. Check it out here.
Hurricane Katrina led to 5,000 reports of missing children. 10 Years later, could your family stay connected? Click HERE and make your emergency contact cards today!
It's an easy and important step toward keeping children safe during a disaster and being able to connect kids with their families in the aftermath.
Disclosure: Once again, we have not been compensated for this campaign, but ChiIL Mama is happy to partner up with Save the Children to share this vital information with our readers. We're proud members of Mom Bloggers for Social Good.
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