Pippi Longstocking or
Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraimsdaughter Longstocking is one of our favorite book characters of all time. Sagezilla decided to be her for Halloween last fall.

A few weeks ago, Zilla again had a chance to don her patchwork apron, mismatched tights and braids for breakfast with Pippi at
The Swedish American Museum Center in Chicago's Andersonville neighborhood. Big Pippi cooked a wacky pancake for the kids with mustard, ketchup and pickles. Then she made a second one with gummy worms, chocolate syrup, M & Ms and an assortment of candies. Fortunately, someone else cooked the main pancake breakfast of Swedish Pancakes (more like crepes) and lingonberry jelly, sausages, coffee, hot cocoa and juice.

We've always been impressed with the Swedish Museum's children's programs. Du-Jay thoroughly enjoyed their international camp last summer, and we're regulars at the annual Breakfast With Tomten (Swedish Santa).

Pancakes with Pippi was equally delightful.
She played "Pippi says" with the kids

took them on a
museum wide
scavenger hunt.
The kids also made goody bags for the scavenger hunt treats, decorated Pippi masks and shoes,

and got a Pippi coloring book to bring home.

Following breakfast, the kids enjoyed playing in the turn of the century Swedish village upstairs.

Highlights are a Viking Ship, a wooden cow that can be "milked"--real water comes out, two play cottages, magnetic fish, a wooden veggie garden and a steamer ship.

It was interesting that during Halloween, almost all the adults recognized who Zilla was, but few of the other children had heard of Pippi. Zilla was quite annoyed to be mistaken for Wendy of the hamburger chain fame.

The 1969 black and white Pippi movies are fantastic and can be rented locally at Facets Multimedia, on VHS. There are also several remakes in live action and animation, the kids have enjoyed. Numerous Pippi books can also be found at local libraries and bookstores, including the gift shop at The Swedish American Museum Center.
Pippi is a fabulous, mighty girl role model and the books and movies have provided much laughter in our family. So, it may be time to reintroduce the scrappy red haired super girl to a new generation. The world today needs a wacky pirate girl

with superhuman strength, who can thwart thieves and hoist a horse. And thanks to Astrid Lindgren, the world has one, and she's out there to discover.
Pippi was one of my favorites, too! I was determined to grow up and have a daughter named Annika -- I felt Pippi was too great to share her name with anyone. I read all her books, saw all the movies . . . she was the best!
ReplyDeleteI'm part of the Pippi posse, too! And Sage as Pippi? Type casting if ever I saw it.