For the hard core winter lovers and those with good cold weather gear...
Don't miss this Saturday's Kidical Mass Ride-- a fun, free bike parade for kids of all ages!
The Logan Square Kidical Mass begins gathering at 10:30am at the Palmer Square bunny park (3100 W. Palmer) and pedals off at 11am. Costumes, funny hats, music and all forms of merriment are encouraged.
The organizers say Saturday's forecast is chilly, so bundle up! The proposed route is to a nearby cafe where parents can socialize and kids can be kids.
And with winter here, check out for all season family cycling tips.
MCA Free Family Days Color Me In Space--It's the 2nd Saturday of the month and that means free, artsy fun. Maybe you're not up for a chilly morning bike ride, but you're up for some fun in a warm, colorful museum space. Don't hibernate--create.
Saturday & Sunday:
School of Rock plays a tribute to Queen at Reggie's Rock Club Saturday and Sunday at 2pm
It's a win-win situation--one of our favorite bands in one of our favorite venues!
I first introduced the kids to Queen two springs ago around St. Patrick's Day, when a number of people had broken out their bikes and were enjoying the spring like weather. I began belting out Bicycle Races and Du-Jay quizzically asked "WHAT are you singing, Mom?" I realized at ages 5 and 7, they still hadn't been properly introduced to Queen yet.
We loaded Queen's Greatest Hits to the ipod and the rest is history. Two years later, and 4 more albums to the ipod, the kids have a good chunk of Freddy Mercury's life work memorized. They do a wicked duet on Bohemian Rhapsody on Guitar Hero. And they're more than jazzed to see The School of Rock Kids become one of their favs.
The kids at School of Rock are another favorite of ours. We've seen them perform at Kidzapalooza and at The Windy City Rollers, and these kids rock! Click HERE to see ChiIL Mama's coverage of The School of Rock rockin' the roller derby between bouts. Come check 'em out this weekend at Reggie's at their two all ages afternoon shows.
Photo by ChiIL Mama KenazWorks 2011
Swing by The Empty Bottle--another favorite venue for live music, for some unique artist made goodies. We've had great luck finding fabulous things at Handmade Market in the past.

Howlin' Good Hockey With The Chicago Wolves
Wolves and dogs unite
Adopt A Dog at Chicago Wolves games January 8th,
February 19th, March 26th and April 9th
We're stoked to be going to The Chicago Wolves game Saturday night at Allstate Arena. As much as we love Chicago hockey, and ardently follow The Chicago Blackhawks, this will be our first Wolves game!
They know how to do it up right in Rosemont. We won't just be treated to a pro hockey game, by 4 time league champions, but we'll also get in on a pre-game fun fest and fireworks and laser light show, too. You can even leave the game with a furry, little mascot in need of a home. At ChiIL Mama, we have 2 rescue dogs and are huge fans of adopting homeless shelter dogs rather than going through pet stores and risking puppy mill pets.
The Wolves strive to provide their fans the best entertainment value in sports.
Be sure to arrive early for the pregame fireworks and laser show! You won’t want to miss the best pregame show in hockey! More>>
Breakaway Magazine is the official program of the Chicago Wolves, and is a free giveaway to the first 7,500 fans at all Saturday home games. Check out Breakaway Online>>
The Saturday Fun Fest takes place before every Saturday home game in the Skyline Room from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Admission is free! More>>
Check out The Chicago Wolves site HERE for this season's schedule and more. Can't make it to the game? Check 'em out on TV.
The Chicago Wolves will return to network television during the 2010-11 season when the team airs 18 home games on My50 Chicago (WPWR). The other contests - home, away and playoffs - will continue to be broadcast live on Comcast Network 100.
Fun "Facts" from The Chicago Wolves site
- More than 800 dogs have been adopted as part of the Adopt-a-Dog program presented by Pedigree & Pet Supplies "Plus"
- Free Fun Fest occurs before every Saturday game from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Allstate Arena Skyline room
- 100% of all kids at Wolves games wear smiles!
Beat Kitchen Concerts For Kids

Beat Kitchen and Subterranean have an excellent line up of kids show for winter and spring. Check out shows by ChiIL Mama's past Win A Disc Wednesday bands Little Miss Ann, The Boogers, Mr. Singer & The Sharp Cookies.
Concerts for Kids Music Calendar Jan - May 2011
*Subterranean--Little Miss Ann Band on Saturday, February 19th at 4pm.
Beat Kitchen, 2100 W. Belmont Ave. Chicago, 773-281-4444
Shows start at noon unless specified
Jan 9: The Okee Dokee Brothers
Jan 16: Poochamungas
Jan 23: Mr. Singer & the Sharp Cookies
Jan 29: Winter Fest w:Little Miss Ann Band, Boogers, AmeriKid Idol, Mary Macaroni
Plus facepainting, crafts and more!
Feb 5: (SATURDAY) Lindsay & The Shimmies
Check out Beat Kitchen on Facebook for updates and visit their website for tickets.
Feb 20: Super Stolie and The Rockstars
Feb 27: Karen 4 Kids!
Mar 6: Human-Tim + Robot-Tim
Mar 13: Little Miss Ann Band w/ The Candy Band
Mar 20: Jeanie B! and The Jelly Beans
Mar 27: Mary Macaroni
Apr 3: Kara Kesselring & Sugarcreek Road
Apr 10: Boogers
May 1: The Dreamtree Shakers
May 22: Mr. Singer & the Sharp Cookies
No Pants Subway Ride Chicago
And you thought Kidical Mass would freeze your petushki off......
"The No Pants Subway Ride is a global event started by Improv Everywhere in New York in 2002."
I remember laughing my pants off at Ayun Halliday's recounting of her participation in the New York version of this event every year. Now the second city can show them big apples how it's done. Join a host of pantsless wonders and exhibitionist theatre freaks (who still aren't as freaky or masochistic as those Polar Plunge freaks who jump in frozen Lake Michigan every winter!)
It's fun to shake up people's routines and mess with their heads in a funny en mass prank. Come create some memories.
Please confirm yourself on the event page so they know your coming! All the secret meeting times and place and details are there.
At the meeting points, participants will be organized into groups and assigned a specific train car. Once everyone is divided up we will all head to nearby subway station. Do not talk to others once you enter the subway system.Pretend no one knows each other.
Sit in the car as you normally would. Read a magazine or whatever you would normally do. Your team leader will have already divided you into smaller groups, assigning your group a specific stop where you will depants.
As soon as the doors shut at the stop before yours, stand up and take your pants off and put them in your backpack. If you’d like to use a briefcase, purse, grocery bag, or whatever instead of a backpack that’s fine too. If anyone asks you why you’ve removed your pants, tell them that they were “getting uncomfortable” (or something along those lines.)
Exit the train at your assigned stop and stand on the platform, pantless. You will wait on the platform for the next train to arrive. Stay in the exact same place on the platform so you enter the next train in the same car as you exited the last train.
When you enter, act as you normally would. You do not know any of the other pantless riders. If questioned, tell folks that you “forgot to wear pants” and yes you are “a little cold.” Insist that it is a coincidence that others also forgot their pants. Be nice and friendly and normal.
You can wear fun underwear if you like, but nothing that screams out, “I wore this because I’m doing a silly stunt.” Wear two pairs of underwear if it makes you feel more comfortable. Don’t wear a thong or anything else that might offend people. Our aim is to make people laugh, not piss them off.
If you haven’t already, please take a moment to read about previous No Pants! Subway Rides.
Please leave your cameras in your bags during the event and resist the temptation to snap photos with your iPhone, etc. while the event is happening. Take as many as you like before and after the event, but during the ride we really want people to enjoy the experience of participating rather than documenting. It detracts from the mission if everyone is taking photos of each other rather than keeping a straight face. Don’t worry, we have photographers assigned to every meeting point who will take great photos.
This is always a blast, and we look forward to seeing you there. We encourage you to bring friends, but make sure they get a chance to read all of these instructions so everyone is on the same page
See you on the 9th!
At the meeting points, participants will be organized into groups and assigned a specific train car. Once everyone is divided up we will all head to nearby subway station. Do not talk to others once you enter the subway system.Pretend no one knows each other.
Sit in the car as you normally would. Read a magazine or whatever you would normally do. Your team leader will have already divided you into smaller groups, assigning your group a specific stop where you will depants.
As soon as the doors shut at the stop before yours, stand up and take your pants off and put them in your backpack. If you’d like to use a briefcase, purse, grocery bag, or whatever instead of a backpack that’s fine too. If anyone asks you why you’ve removed your pants, tell them that they were “getting uncomfortable” (or something along those lines.)
Exit the train at your assigned stop and stand on the platform, pantless. You will wait on the platform for the next train to arrive. Stay in the exact same place on the platform so you enter the next train in the same car as you exited the last train.
When you enter, act as you normally would. You do not know any of the other pantless riders. If questioned, tell folks that you “forgot to wear pants” and yes you are “a little cold.” Insist that it is a coincidence that others also forgot their pants. Be nice and friendly and normal.
You can wear fun underwear if you like, but nothing that screams out, “I wore this because I’m doing a silly stunt.” Wear two pairs of underwear if it makes you feel more comfortable. Don’t wear a thong or anything else that might offend people. Our aim is to make people laugh, not piss them off.
If you haven’t already, please take a moment to read about previous No Pants! Subway Rides.
Please leave your cameras in your bags during the event and resist the temptation to snap photos with your iPhone, etc. while the event is happening. Take as many as you like before and after the event, but during the ride we really want people to enjoy the experience of participating rather than documenting. It detracts from the mission if everyone is taking photos of each other rather than keeping a straight face. Don’t worry, we have photographers assigned to every meeting point who will take great photos.
This is always a blast, and we look forward to seeing you there. We encourage you to bring friends, but make sure they get a chance to read all of these instructions so everyone is on the same page
See you on the 9th!
Coming Soon:
Starting Friday, January 28th:
Film Screenings at the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum Facets Children's Programs is starting 2011 off right with a great film series at the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum. On selected Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from January through April, Facets will be offering screenings of short and feature-length films at the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum in Lincoln Park (2430 North Cannon Drive). Admission to the museum is included with the screening, and most programs will be followed by interactive science-based demonstrations by Nature Museum staff. For more information, click here. If you've been following ChiIL Mama a while, you'll know that our family has volunteered at Facets Multimedia for over 20 years and we've been volunteering at and covering the International Children's Film Festival for years as well. Click HERE for our behind the scenes look at the festival last fall. |
Speaking of Roller Derby...
Check out The Windy City Rollers for Grrrl Powered family friendly fun.
It's roller derby season again in Chicago! The Windy City Rollers open their 2011 home season on January 15 at UIC Pavilion!
Our home season bouts for the 2011 season will be played as double headers. Each home team will play the other teams twice -- totalling 6 bouts -- working to earn a spot in the championship game for the Ivy King Cup.
All four home teams are returning to the track with their eyes on the prize. Rookies no more, the Hell’s Belles return this season with the passionate unity of a team that was tried by fire. The Manic Attackers will be well defended by last season’s league rookie of the year, Bork Bork Bork, and also welcome fan favorite Ying O’Fire back to their ranks. Plagued late last season with injuries, the Double Crossers are back with a lean, mean squad of seasoned veterans including Georgia on Yer Behind, Julia Rosenwinkel and Blossom Bruiso. The reigning champions, The Fury, are back with most of last year’s hard-hitting squad with the highly intimidating Yvette Yourmaker rejoining the already fearsome blocking squad.
BOUT CHARITY: Girls in the Game
ANTHEM: Our very own Head of Officiating, Unk!
MUSIC PROVIDED BY: Oncore Productions, DJ Danger/Travis Matthews
Tickets for the January 15th bout are available online through Ticketmaster, the UIC Pavilion box office or from any WCR skater. There’s still time for Season Tickets and Group Tickets. Both are available by
Our home season bouts for the 2011 season will be played as double headers. Each home team will play the other teams twice -- totalling 6 bouts -- working to earn a spot in the championship game for the Ivy King Cup.
All four home teams are returning to the track with their eyes on the prize. Rookies no more, the Hell’s Belles return this season with the passionate unity of a team that was tried by fire. The Manic Attackers will be well defended by last season’s league rookie of the year, Bork Bork Bork, and also welcome fan favorite Ying O’Fire back to their ranks. Plagued late last season with injuries, the Double Crossers are back with a lean, mean squad of seasoned veterans including Georgia on Yer Behind, Julia Rosenwinkel and Blossom Bruiso. The reigning champions, The Fury, are back with most of last year’s hard-hitting squad with the highly intimidating Yvette Yourmaker rejoining the already fearsome blocking squad.
BOUT CHARITY: Girls in the Game
ANTHEM: Our very own Head of Officiating, Unk!
MUSIC PROVIDED BY: Oncore Productions, DJ Danger/Travis Matthews
Tickets for the January 15th bout are available online through Ticketmaster, the UIC Pavilion box office or from any WCR skater. There’s still time for Season Tickets and Group Tickets. Both are available by
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011 (Ivy King Cup Championship)
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