With Maggie's Farm on our minds, and spring in the air, we wanted to give you a sneak peek into April. We'll be taking a mid month break from our regular Win A Disc Wednesdays to run a big spring break feature on Eco-Orlando. We'll be posting our Florida adventures as they unfold on ChiIL Mama/ChiIL Travel Kids and also on ChiIL Out at Chicago Parent. That said, we won't leave our music lovin' families jonsin'. Here's what you can look forward to in April.

Kanani: Hawaiian American Girl Doll/book give away begins! As part of our launch for ChiIL Travel Kids on line, we'll be giving away the American Girl Doll of the year. Enter here on ChiIL Mama or on ChiIL Travel Kids. Sagezilla and I have been invited to go to the island of Kauai in June, and we're finalizing details. We plan to have a photo and video filled feature of our day by day adventures on line at ChiIL Out Chicago Parent and here on ChiIL Mama/ChiIL Travel Kids.
We start the month of with a bang with 4 free tixs to see Mindy Hester at The Heartland Cafe! We'll also be posting our original interview with her and more great footage from her recent Beat Kitchen show.
Then we still have free family 4 packs to all the Beat Kitchen Concerts for kids, sponsored by ChiIL Mama, Psychobaby and other fun, local, kidcentric hot spots. These shows include Kara Kesselring & Sugarcreek Road and The Boogers.
We'll still give away Chicago area tickets all month and CDs at the beginning and end. In the middle, we're very excited to be posting more live performance clips from Keller Williams and Dan Zanes, and CD reviews for both of them. We'll also have a feature with interviews and live show clips from 3 fun bands full of kids under 18, Purple Apple, The Blisters, and When Flying Feels Like Falling.
We'll also have 2 great DVD reviews and give aways that you can enter to win all month, through midnight on the 29th. We're giving away the following brand new releases:
Bob Dylan REVEALED, directed by Joel Gilbert. This documentary will be released May 1, to coincide with Bob Dylan's 70th birthday month.
We're also reviewing and giving away the directors cut of The Quiet Arrangement, an award winning film written and directed by David C. Snyder.
CDs: Mindy Hester to start things off & a Dreamtree Shakers double feature to end April. We'll also feature more of their live Schubas footage and a free family 4 pack to their Mayday Beat Kitchen Show on May 1st. Check out ChiIL Mama's Vimeo and YouTube Channels for more footage from both bands.
BOOKS: Peter Pan's NeverWorld by Peter Von Brown-We have 2 signed copies of this creative, imaginative sequel to Peter Pan, and two NeverWorld T-shirts to give away. We'll feature the first set in April and save the other for another magical month. Peter Von Brown is a long time friend of ours and we're thrilled to feature his book. We'll also have a video interview with the author. Enter through midnight April 29th.
This is just the thing to get you stoked for Broadway in Chicago's Peter Pan playing here April 29th-June 19th.
April showers may bring May flowers and Mayflowers may bring Pilgrims. But here at ChiIL Mama, April may bring you bunches of colorful freebies. We do often add new give aways throughout the month, so check in like we vote in Chicago...early and often.
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