Congrats to Laura L.--you are our Family 4 Pack winner. Your name will be on the guest list at the door for Dreamtree Shakers Beat Kitchen Show, May 1 at noon. Please confirm at or let us know ASAP if you can't make it and we'll draw another name.
oldie but goodie!

new release!!
Congrats to Janice M. and her daughter, Mave. They've won both of Dreamtree Shakers' CDs this week, Dream and You Will See and Going On A Picnic. These guys are some of our favorites. Janice and her family like to rock out to Little Miss Ann and The Boogers (two of our frequent feature bands on ChiIL Mama's Free Ticket Tuesdays and Win A Disc Wednesdays!).
For everyone else who is "not Janice", we still have 1 more double set of Dreamtree Shakers discs in the coming months. You can also check out their website HERE for ordering info and upcoming shows.
Click here to see ChiIL Mama's original video interview with Dreamtree Shakers frontman, Jeremy. We'll have some fun, live clips from their Schubas show on the first day of spring 3/20 up soon. And we hope to see YOU at Beat Kitchen for Mayday this Sunday at noon. These guys really shine live.
Woo hoo!! Thank you!! - Janice M & Maeve. :)