Don't expect the Disney Dwarves here, and Nashville Pussy's two femme fatales, Ruyter and Karen, coulda been Snow White, but they drifted. But nobody needs a raunchy, rockin' night out like parents, as an antidote to an OD of saccharine sweet childhood entertainment. So come on out to Bottom Lounge this Saturday night and send your punk kin to the sitter, unless they're 17+, then bring 'em along!
Enter below for your chance to win. We'll announce our winner next Wednesday, August 24th, on Win A Disc Wednesday. ChiIL Mama's giving away a copy of the Dwarves new CD, The Dwarves are Born Again ($17.95), to celebrate the show and the 25th anniversary of the most bizarre and misunderstood punk band of all times.

The Dwarves:
Nashville Pussy: True rock n' roll doesn't require definition. It's self-explanatory based on a gut feeling and the unconditional devotion to the musical genre. Nashville Pussy have celebrated their brand of genuine rock n' roll for more than a decade, in classic style at times, surprising at others, but always earthy, raw and unadulterated. Band mastermind Blaine Cartwright (vocals, guitar), his wife Ruyter Suys (guitar), Karen Cuda (bass) and Jeremy Thompson (drums) poured their heart and soul into the latest rock release, entitled From Hell To Texas, which saw the band hone their most impressive recording to date alongside the non stop touring, from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, Japan, and almost a year straight with the Reverend Horton Heat,
"We allowed ourselves this time to give the songs the chance to turn out as perfect as possible," Cartwright explains. "We kept playing the new tracks at our rehearsal room until they really clicked. I feel they're heavier and grittier than previous releases. The whole creative process took three long years, but the result has been worth the trouble."
Their songs are mostly about fun and good times, but occasionally – as in the case of 'Late Great USA' – they also stick the finger into an open wound. "Although Blaine's comical and satirical themes mostly prevail on From Hell To Texas, there are two or three numbers which deal with more serious subjects. 'Late Great USA' is a political song, we simply had to vent our anger at certain grievances in this country."
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