Check out our photo filled Ren Faire in the rain feature here.
(You must print this coupon and present it to the Box Office to receive the $15 Adult ticket price. Limit one coupon per person. Coupon not required for children 12 & younger.)
We adore Ren Fair and look forward to it every year.
**Check out our opening weekend 2013 coverage here.**
Enjoy our slideshow from last weekend below.
Just can't get enough:
We went back for a second round of Ren Fair just last weekend and had a BLAST! We met up with a bunch of friends from the Chicago Hip Mamas/Hip Families Yahoo Group that we've been a part of for over 10 years.
The kids reconnected over the Pirate Catapult and stormed the 40 foot Castle Climbing Wall together, conquered the spinning barrel ride and rocked the boats. Bristol's low tech/no tech amusement park fun is a hit with all ages!
One major highlight was the Barely Balanced fire show. We LOVE circus arts and our kids have studied circus skills for 3 years now. After the show, the acrobats took time for some literal "one on one" with our kids. Ah memories. And some sweet photo ops too!
We highly recommend you catch Barely Balanced. We've seen their water show, their regular sets, and now their fire show too. Fun stuff! This trio known by the names of Small, Medium and Large expertly combine acrobatics, circus, fire, and stand up comedy schtick.
ChiIL Mama's own Sagezilla doing a partner acro handstand with Barely Balanced!
Check out our own Small, Medium and Large next generation right here. My son Du-Jay (12) is already strong and steady, and he makes a great base for partner acro. Our long time friend, Prix (10) was head to head with Sagezilla from age 1 up (also a petite 10), but he recently gained a few inches on her to make a perfect medium. Sagezilla, my competitive gymnast, is a rockin' flyer (or the top spot on pyramids & partner acro). Do I see summer stock theatre & Ren Faire circuits in their future?! They've gotta pay for vet school & art school somehow :).
Of course we also always make a point to see Adam Crack's Fire Whip Show. What's not to love. He's got the skills to pay the bills and a way with crowds.
We also got our annual Dug AND Doug shot with The Swordsmen. My husband, Dug, was the sound engineer on their show DVD "20 Years in the Making" several years ago (back when the bald swordsman, Doug, had hair) and we've remained friends ever since.

WORLDS COLLIDE ALERT: The other swordsman, David Woolley, is a college professor and fight choreographer in Chicago who works with other favorites of ours, Babes With Blades. The kids and I just saw their latest, Bo Thomas and the Case of the Sky Pirates on Friday and HIGHLY recommend it. In real life David is every bit as bold, but not quite as stupid as his alter ego, Guido! Check the swordsmen's web site for their upcoming gigs and Chi-town fight scenes David had a hand in.
Dirk and Guido - Douglas & David - always spend the summer at Bristol, through closing day on Labor Day, Monday 9/2/13. Then they are off to the Ohio Ren Faire starting 2nd weekend (after Labor Day) so Sept. 7 & 8th, through Closing Day on Oct. 20th. And after that?
Stay tuned!
David Woolley's fights/violence can be seen in many, many shows in Chicago right now!
See the calendar for more information.
See the calendar for more information.
Check back with ChiIL Mama. We spent two days covering the Ohio Ren Faire and we have a huge, photo filled recap coming soon.
Why just once isn't enough:
There are different theme weekends at Ren Faire all summer long and different acts that rotate in and out in addition to the full season regulars.
Last Weekend the theme was MONSTERS OF MYTH: The Goblin King calls forth all imps, trolls, elves and other assorted monsters to frolic this weekend with the mortals. Heed his call, bring your Kingdom to life and show Bristol your best-dressed monstrous side!
The Dread Crew of Oddwood is a pirate themed band that blends Heavy Metal, Celtic Rock, and Folk Punk with a unique acoustic instrumentation to proclaim a new genre: Heavy Mahogany. Embarking from San Diego in 2008, this bloodthirsty horde has accumulated a commendable cult following in the musical underground of Southern California, and is rapidly gaining infamy throughout the far corners of the world..
This Weekend:
All Three Days!
Sample 5 different meads for only $30!
This self-guided tasting tour features five different meads from White Winter Meads. Get more information at the Guest Services Gazebo, then pick up your Mead Map at the first pub and enjoy the mead at your own pace!
(Limited participation daily - sure to sell out quickly!)
Don't Miss...
Dan the Bard
Teller of tales, singer of songs, master of musical humor Dan walks the land, singing songs, telling tales, and doing good deeds. Listen to the tale of the "Drunken Gnome Illusionist." Learn why a mouse, a bird, and a sausage are doomed to death! Be sure to look for Dan near the RenQuest™ encampment and ask about this one Bard camp....
Rambling Sailors
Rambling Sailors is a new effort by performers Gregg and Susan Csikos. Both successful soloists in their own right, Gregg and Susan performed for over a decade individually. Now with a combined experience of 23 years on the circuit, a repertoire of hundreds of songs, and harmonies that please the ear and lift the spirit, Rambling Sailors is on a mission to bring traditional sea music, history and stories to the stage, delivered in the style that inspired generations of sailors to go to sea.